Answer a few quick questions to see if the PureWick™ System is a good fit for you.
The PureWick™ System can be purchased without a prescription* using your American Express, Discover, Mastercard, or Visa credit card.
Users and caregivers agree the PureWick™ System is easy to set up.²
Reorder replacement wicks and other PureWick™ System Supplies. Save up to 10% when you sign up for AutoShip.
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Why the PureWick™ System?
The PureWick™ System is an innovative option for managing urinary incontinence at home. The PureWick™ System features two different Female External Catheters—the original PureWick™ Female External Catheter and the all-new PureWick™ Flex Female External Catheter—and a Male External Catheter. This non-invasive option is designed to help protect the skin and reduce the risk of nighttime falls⁵. Find out more about the benefits of the PureWick™ System for you or your loved one.
Over 90% of caregivers and users would recommend the PureWick™ System³
More than 4,500 U.S. hospitals and rehabilitation facilities use PureWick™ External Catheter⁴
Over 55 million PureWick™ External Catheters sold⁴
⁴ Data current as of Aug 2024. Over 50 million PureWick™ Female External Catheters and over 5 million PureWick™ Male External Catheters includes both acute care and home care settings.
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